Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What we have here is...

The following is an entry written at seven in a morning that I would describe for authenticity's sake as being "bleeding". At the airport, where even a delicious Big Breakfast from Mac's did nothing to stem my grouchiness at the time.

I've just realized, and by just, I mean at around six thirty in the morning in Terminal 3 of the airport, that I get all these great writing ideas at ungodly hours of the night/morning, but at those times my body really isn't capable of understanding "these artistic types" and just can't be bothered putting them into tangible form. So really, my brain's like a writer with a terribly lazy publisher that only operates whenever the brain doesn't, and when it does finally ask my brain for its writing ideas they're already lost underneath stacks of formulas for standard distribution curves and Kotaku news feeds.

So there you go. The startling story of a ruined creative industry in my head.

But maybe sometime in the holidays, like everything else I've wanted to try, I'll get up at at 5 at the morning, abuse my authority as major bodily stockholder and throw my body into my brain's working room and, in a strange physiological inversion, not let it out of there until it comes out with something. Anyone in favor of doing this as a conglomerate, go ahead and poke me, and don't forget to mention why you're doing it.

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