Monday, August 13, 2007

Fic-ture Perfect

The days of the canon are over, and it is time to usher in the age of fanfiction. Or is it?

Let's face it. Fanfiction has been around for as long as any series ever existed. It started even with classics such as Alice in Wonderlan and Sherlock Holmes. And that it proceeded to infect just about every popular series ever published.

Internet, you didn't exactly make matters better.

And whilst it can be pretty much agreed that most fanfiction really sucks arse, there are several few that stand out among the crowd, sucking even more. This is especially true when it comes to anime and manga fics.

We at have scoured the land for the most revolting, sh*ttiest and "rinsed and repeated more than Beryl could ever hope to do" ideas and fanfiction types across the internet (mainly just Behold, risk your eyes. Here they are:

1. High School fics- An insult to the holiest of holiest of anime and manga, behold, take the greatest cause of suicide in the world and plug in your favourite anime characters. Now watch as your favourite anime characters struggle to avoid drowning in a sea of homework, teenage romance, and high school fanfics.

The problem with High School fics is that, like many others, there are so damn many of them. Most of them usually include pairings, and the remainder ALWAYS includes pairings. And the problem is, that's just about it. Your sword wielding hero, or your orange jumped suited ninja living the life that you don't want to know more about, and just grabbing the ass of the nearest..... PERSON. (You know what I'm talking about, you bloody Yaoi fic writers)

2. Crossovers- Well, you've already bastardized one anime? Why not do two, or something of an entirely different genre? This one appears most often when the author doesn't know which one to mutilate first, so settles it via Democracy.

Viva la Revolution.

3. Script fics- Yes. Sometimes your favourite fan fiction authors out there are just too lazy to think of anything besides dialogue. So they settle it by doing this.

Samuel: They simply type the character's name at the front of every dialog, er... every sentence and proceed to type NOTHING but dialogue.

S: Sometimes, your authors are so lazy, they just type the name once and proceed to use a vague initial for the rest of the series or fic. This can lead to confusing situations sometimes.

*** naruto fan boys cover your eyes ***

N: You cannot change, Ramen. It is fate.

K: Asuma, don't go, I love you!

S: I love you, Naruto!

So there you have it. Three of the most overused ideas in the fan fiction universe. This has been Samuel persuading the prisoners, signing off.

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