Friday, January 16, 2009

The Hostel California

Well it's been a gruelling two weeks so far, which tend to be slightly better on Mondays, when they actually serve porridge, which isn't all that bad, and in actual fact I can't really complain about the whole concept of staying at the hostel during the weekdays and jumping onto a number 198 bus and having to trek home on the weekends while carrying a laptop that would have rather stayed at the hostel and plugged itself into the morbidly, sky blue colored LAN cable dangling from the LAN port next to my bed that I was too lazy to remove from, and proceed to wistfully watch Fry and Laurie videos till 2am in the morning.

People have taken a lot of different approaches to having to stay in the hostel. Some people squeal with delight every time the friendly, charming hostel biometric scanners beep twice and beam an approving green, while others (I might be mistaken here) attempt to poke out that stupid little bastard's eye out with their fingernails after having been rejected for the fifth time in a row. Others remember that they should be going up to do their laundry and come down to the library just in time to study, but I'm sure that we can all describe these studious, dilligent students as negligible. Well, not so much, actually, or rather, many. Lots of people find that it's a lot easier for them to get work doen when they are stringently enforced to do so, which is something that equally unenthusiastic classmates can never really contribute to much, so it's nice to see people experienced in totalalitarianism take up the matter into their own cold, leather gloved hands.

But what I've noticed (the party's over, is it?) is the drastic difference in responses to hostel life from various people, and while that might have happened with other issues in the past, it's never been something that's been so evident, especially when the effects of their enthuasiasm/hemlock are clearly visible for two weeks. It's at the end of those two weeks when the stances that people take to the same conditions really start to show, and I'm wondering if they might eventually even out in a few months time, and we might all start reverting back to normality, at least until we all have to go home at the end of the year and have trouble trying to find the biometric scanners on our apartment doors.

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