It had to come sooner or later. It's happened to just about every newspaper, or magazine, or internet personality, talkshow etc... A very sensitive and personal editorial about something seemingly practical yet imbued with a great amount of emotional hoo hah and passion. It might not be the same thing I'm about to mention, but the general theme is as mentioned.
Today, in the ultimate of cliched articles, I shall be discussing coffee. I'm sorry, it's spelt Coffee, right? My bad.
Le Coffeh
And while I have absolutely no idea what that means, let's get on with it before my non existent editor comes along and notices it.
They are many opinions concerning this humble brown liquid (alright, would you all of you just grow up already?). Some have elevated it to the height of the mysterious smiling woman that probably wears braces, while some aspiring Duchamps have managed to actualll dislike (God forbid) the beverage. Others are more in the riddle of the road, sitting on the fence etc (other painful euphemisms for remaining neutral) about this subject, and prefer to see coffee as a simple beverage, liked by some and launched out of the mouths of others.
Those who place this humble bean water solution on a pedestal often say that one has not experienced the true meaning of coffee (and thus can only access 50 percent of its power) until they drink it with their mind being totally focused on the sensual experiences that come with drinking it. You must sit cross legged on a mat, or perhaps at a roadside cafe on the streets of Paris, and slowly take a sniff of the wonderful aroma that wafts out of the cup. Then you must slowly sip the coffee while irritating everyone around you (this is very enjoyable), swish the coffee around your mouth for a while, then swallow and enjoy the mellow sensation wafting up your throat to your nostrils.
To those who place it on the negative pedestal (aka pit), they say that in order to experience the true meaning of coffee (note the lack of italic for the word "true") one must gurgle it violently and then share the coffee with the person sitting in front of you.
Others just say pour it down your damn throat already.
And this is the part of the entry where I bore you with my opinion. Breaking the tradition of saying "none of these opinions are correct", I agree with numero three.
Coffee can be likened to that of love. While this comparison may be seem a little unfair (I won't do something like this again, Coffee. Sorry.) It isn't about sitting by the streets of Paris with your adept tongue work or sitting on a mat. It's about It being there whenever you need it. When you feel you just can't go on *cough* masteringphysics *cough*, it's there for you. Coffee is something humble yet sacred.
*End of article*
Bring it ON, critics.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hard Times
Greetings, all who would dwell on this side of the internet. Once again I come to you all bringing news. What else is new?
Yesterday I went to various bookshops in an effort to locate Hard Times. Yes, even in the midst of exams, I still ask for more. Three Popular stores and I got everything that Charles Dickens every wrote except for Hard Times.
(I would like to ask Ms Koh how she got all the money!)(Disclaimer: The mentioned joke was for the pure fun of it and is not a commentary on our beloved literature teacher's monthly income.)
It turns out that Borders had two copies left. Naturally, I got the cheaper one aka the one with the more reasonable price tag. I later noticed that the book contained things like two contents pages and Dickens' working notes. The store owners pointed out that little kids were nearby and I promptly left the area.
On my way out, I noticed that some guys in weird black T-shirts were given a presentation on something called the Cold-Spot theory. Turns out that these people here call themselves the Society of Paranormal Investigation Singapore (Which suggests that they are only a few of the many resistance fighters). Essentially, what this means is that these black clad, non pipe smoking fellows are the Ghostbusters without the cool gadgets, the Exorcists without the Innocence, and Elvis Presley without his hair.
It seems, from their presentation, that they investigate the presence of paranormal activity, but don't do a thing about it. They may monitor it, but that's as far as they go, using stuff like infrared cameras and the like. In other words, a scientific and observational approach to the like.
But how far one can remain scientific when it comes to such things is questionable. Meanwhile, I think it's best to keep that little Cross hanging from your neck.
I also think it's important to note that there was a Fantastic Four banner behind them, with Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman right in the foreground:
Posted by
6:43 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Nus High Research Constress 2007
This is the sort of effort put in that makes Carnot Engines blow milk into their handkerchiefs. But it was still mildly enjoyable.
We, the denizens of the VR project, were persuaded by the nice man with the gun to present our projects at the NUS High Research Congress 2007.
Basically, the Research Congress is a like a fun fair. Without the fun. Many people at booths in concourse, with many people who are not at booths in said concourse at the catering area.
So anyway, many a student broke the sound barrier is we struggled to set up our booths by the 1.30. Most of us failed, but it didn't really matter since the people in the auditorium were struggling to finish their presentations on time. So this either makes both groups very well organized, or second only to OBS rojak.
It was suprising that we actually had time to go down after setting the booth up and actually get something to eat, all the while talking about the density of Jun Wei's home as negligible, and the number of cars and parents he had (the parents lost miserably), and whether Jie Hong would be okay up there manning both booths. The conversation about Jie Hong went something like this:
Me: You think Jie Hong's gonna be okay up there?
Gan: Probably not.
Me: You think maybe we should go up there?
Gan: Yeah...
Me: Are we actually going to get up and go there?
Gan: *thinks*
Both: Nah...
Later, we saw Jie Hong struggling with the contents of a Portugese to English dictionary, and an English to Chinese dictionary.
All of the above is true except for the crap about the dictionaries.
When the Parasite finally attacked (Halo fans should get my meaning about the number of people coming out of the Audi), we were strangely disappointed. We got a few visitors here and then (all teachers, with Mr Chua Aik Boon drawing first blood), so I told Leroy to man the booth while I shamelessly snuck off to get some food. Not suprisingly, Darryl was there, all too happy that there was free fried bee hoon.
Me: *Looks at the crowd* Quite a variety, huh?
Darryl: Hm. Yeah. *Eats more bee hoon*
We need to get our hands on those Babel Fishes. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babel_Fish)
I hijacked Darryl's snake (I can explain, girls), which he got from Fishie (Nevermind, girls), and walked back to the booth to find that the VIP is there. I boggled for a bit then walked up to him, and was relieved to see that Leroy was already stealing the limelight. Halfway through the explanation I manage to butt in in a courteous manner, and explain the remainder. He then asks me where I'm from and I tell him "NUS High".
*insert chuckles from VIP here*
Then I conclude then I am from Singapore and was schooled in TV. He claims to get my meaning, then comments that our project has plenty of potential (aka it still sucks now) and walks away without giving any sort of funding whatsoever.
Ah well.
Posted by
6:28 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
People-o-pedia picked a pack of...
Yes, I have been away for a while. You guys might have been wondering precisely what happened to me. All I can say is that Luke had better buy me a drink or two, and I'm running out of tissue.
And with that quick reference to carbonite suspension, I shall now proceed to introduce the second most reliable source of insights in the world. The first being m-, of course.
People-o-pedia has touched down, and it comes in peace:
A wonderful little blog in the middle of nowhere, the writer (referring to itself as Sardonic) gives its perspective opinions on issues such as the true definition and nature of bimbos, the Adolescent Conjecture, and the smiting of Birthday Parties.
Revel in its glory.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to practice saying ten different versions of "I've got a bad feeling about this."
Posted by
6:49 AM