Friday, July 06, 2007

Writer's Blog

AH.. it's been a long time since I touched this blog... ever since that incident, we've grown so cold...

I wonder if Darryl actually updated his blog yet.

I, Samuel the GoFish!, am officially part of the family! The Codfather Damien allowed me to enter the family provided I adhere to the following conditions:

1. You will obey my word.
2. Because I said so.

I found them pretty reasonable, and so, I am now a member of the family. In other words, that old far... the godfather with the henchman with the shotgun pointed at my head now looks out for me, and vice versa.

I am also now an official acolyte of The Sons of Charmaine. May God Bless Charmaine in whatever she does, except hitting us.

i recommend ye fellow slackers out there to indulge in the following games:

1. flow
2. torus trooper

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