Return of the Bling
While it is a truth that I am not really bling, a man can dream, can't he? *Blink* *Blink*
Anyway, it's been a long while since I last blogged. I kept thinking, "one hour is enough!", so here I am again. It's probably because of the recent tight schedule, what with cross country, and the new play performance, and tests that march from Isengard that everytime I want to get up and blog, they scream "You shall not pass".
And then there's Gandalf. Battle for Middle Earth is time's worst enemy.
I must warn many of you before I continue though. This Monday, you may see one of the world's greatest abominations on this website. I shall be forced to blog in Chinese. Though I tried to parley, it didn't really go as planned.
On a completely unrelated note, it's not that easy to type with your nose.
We have an encore performance coming up soon. I'm sure we all remember that kickass play that I kept ranting about. Well, your suffering's not over yet. We're having an encore performance on Thursday. It's going to be twice as kickass. How should I put this...
It's going to be like the release of the PS3. For instance, it got postponed time and time again. And it also was a major letdown when it was finally released...
Maybe I should compare it to something else.
Anyway, come down to the theatrette this Thursday for that performance you missed. Please also remember that we only have change for small notes. Thank You.
And on another completely unrelated note, the Stomp issue is getting a bit out of hand. Either that, or it's getting under control. I'm not sure. More people... er... people are becoming aware of exactly what happened, but at the same time, there's more hullabaloo over what happened.
For those of you who live in Rock Avenue, someone apparently told Stomp (that shitty little news portal) that we polluted East Coast Park during our Cross Country run. If you care to read the "news" article, here it is.
If the article was even the slightest bit professional, it could be forgiven. That way, we don't lose our reputation, and I can save some .50. In this case, however, you can practically drown in the article's sarcasm. It's just insulting and as if that wasn't enough, they slap the label "NUS High Students" on all of us. Those who didn't litter are still dragged down with the rest.
There isn't even the slightest mention of how there was rain after the event, and how the Year 3s were barely given time to catch their breath after the run, before being dragged off on an even more... less peaceful game of Cabadi.
Johannes 1, Rasputin 0 by the way.
There's one good thing that came out of this whole shit though. We all agree that the tard who leaked this news to the public is... well.. a tard. A lot of controvery has sparked over whether the report he gave was accurate... what should be done to hi- er... what should HAVE been done to HIM, and what we look like in the public's eyes now (besides fear).
It's said that the mole is a NUSHs student. While I'm more content in believing that the mole is a complete and total asshole, the former may be true as well. It seems rather confirmed that the Stomper was a NUSHs student, since even our mentor talked about it, and when we bashed him based on the assumption that he was from our school, she didn't correct us (since Shawn agreed too). Either it's true, or she's just as ignorant as we all are.
There's also a lot of shit flying over the information given to Stomp. Some say the bottles were already piled at the trees (the garbage bags were there, and some of us are trained in the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps), and that the chances of the bottles germinating heathily were not as high as it was said in the article.
Stomp is also apparently trying to cover their asses, so I think I'll give them a mask one of these days. They're coercing the mole into making a public apology. Who the apology is meant for, I have no idea. I don't know if they want him to apologise to them (Why the hell for, I also don't have a puppy's paw) or to apologise to us, or to the public (I also think no blue puppy is needed here). Whatever it is, it just seems like their trying to shift the blame somewhere else instead of taking responsiblity.
Yes, the ass-mole did give them an allegedly inaccurate report, but then they could have chosen not to write that article.
Who do I blame then? I blame Stomp. I blame them for not thoroughly checking the "information" they get. I blame them for not having the sense to think what this article would do to our image. I also blame them for trying to shanghai their way out of this. Jack Sparrow they ain't.
And we here at Ex-Play give Stomp 1 plastic bottle out of 5.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yes... Yes... Take debate...
A clash of intellectual beliefs, or just plain bitchin'? Aye. Tis which I speak of is the feared debate. Alright, so a debate is bad enough, but then add literature into the equation, and you get an exothermic reaction that doesn't know when to stop.
It all happened when Ms Adeline Koh (the Awesome) declared a debate, in which three groups would battle for supremacy, or just slap fight, their way to argue for three different art forms. The three lucky winners are: Poetry, Drama and Prose.
Prose is novels, short stories, wills... you know, anything that's not poem-ish.
Team Poetry:
Kylie (she counts as three because she's so imba)
Jensen (Yes, the inquisitive Jensen)
Leon (Not the coke Leon, not the horny one, the other one. The relatively eighing scale friendly one)
Jie Hong (Shut up, all of you)
Team Drama:
Some guy I don't know
Some girl I don't know
Enough people
Team Prose:
Kenneth and Andy
So here was the lineup:
Jensen did the intro. I must say he sort of flipped a bit. It was a little unnerving. Somehow, we initially thought there was the dying obligation to accept every single POI (Point of Information, aka bullet) sent your way. Jensen did just that, unfortunately, since no one knew, and that threw the intro off balance. He did apologise, and we did accept the mone- apology.
Leon promoted the unique factors of poetry. This includes taking vocal effects and rhythm into consideration and what not. Leon is an excellent marksman.
Leon 10
POIs 0
I addressed the problems with poetry. Very shitty. Couldn't concentrate what with suddenly having to get up there. Oh well...
And the rebuttal round was just chaos.
Don't take the gag out until Jun Yup's settled down a litte.
okay. There were no definitions of the word "superior", and there was complete chaos. So much so that I was able to shoot down the Drama team. (after recovering from my Kenneth wounds)
Their intial argument:
Poetry can be less easily understood than Drama, and therefore the reader will get nothing out of it. Drama may not be fully understoof but they may just get the storyline, which is better than not getting anything at all.
Later...: (They were feeling nice):
There is no point in reading something and only understanding part of it.
Whoops. Own goal there.
Man of the Match: Jensen, for putting the goalkeeper to shame. Thank god WE have a subsitute.
Sorry Jensen, but you did score some own goals there.
Shall not mention anymore. Spam tomorrow.
Posted by
7:33 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Ratio Harmony Day
I would now like to ask all of you to follow me in taking the ratio harmony day pledge.
It was long ago
When ratios came to light
Out of darkness
And into our sight
But alas! When that happened
when these wonders were free
"I hate other ratios!
Hail 1 is to 3!"
My friends does it matter
What proportions one has?
Or volume, perimeter
Or how much of mass?
The real treasure here is
Wonder, behold!
pi, which is worth
even selling your soul!
Now everyone turn to your right and tell your neighbor, "Your proportions don't matter." Except for Zeyang. If you're next to him, turn to your right then look up. Then say that.
Posted by
5:38 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
There's one in every fadhmily
I will try not to get myself sued for the rest of this entr- hey what the duce let go of me!..... a man can dream, can't he?
But anywho, on the more depressing matters! The crappy black tag-board we all used to know and love (try to smile) has broken down! unfortunately, due to the circumstances, I'm going to have to replace it with this impressive blue nifty cbox tagboard. I guess you can't have everything in life, and thank god too!
Samuel: So the little red button blows up Russia, right? Can I reuse it?
Okay. Er.... It's official. I have a teacher rivalry.
Now I hate rivalries, especially rivalries with teachers, because it's obvious you can never win. But angels need a laugh sometimes right, so I have a rivalry.
It's not really an open rivalry. More of the kind of rivalry which everyone knows is going on but nothing is really said about it. In other words, a nuclear programme.
This could get ugly... so stay tune-... er... run away.
Posted by
7:24 AM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Here you go, little kiddies.
Remember, everytime you upload a bad avatar, a kitten dies.
Bob Barker 1
Kittens 0
Posted by
6:22 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
Writer's Blog
AH.. it's been a long time since I touched this blog... ever since that incident, we've grown so cold...
I wonder if Darryl actually updated his blog yet.
I, Samuel the GoFish!, am officially part of the family! The Codfather Damien allowed me to enter the family provided I adhere to the following conditions:
1. You will obey my word.
2. Because I said so.
I found them pretty reasonable, and so, I am now a member of the family. In other words, that old far... the godfather with the henchman with the shotgun pointed at my head now looks out for me, and vice versa.
I am also now an official acolyte of The Sons of Charmaine. May God Bless Charmaine in whatever she does, except hitting us.
i recommend ye fellow slackers out there to indulge in the following games:
1. flow
2. torus trooper
Posted by
6:42 AM