Allow me to explain...
Form 1- Ganju Darryl. In this form, Darryl has the ability to use seba, and looks like a punk. For more information on this form, visit
Form 2- By simply allowing the sides of his new headdress to cover his ears, Darryl has now found peace in God alone. See how happy he is?
Form 3- By releasing his inner wooly rug, Darryl can now throw... huh.
Disclaimer: All this was in the name of fun. I hereby claim that I have no contempt for Darryl Foo whatsoever. In fact, we hang out. Without killing each other. Although I suspect this may change any time soon. Anyway, this is all in the name of harmless fun. If you don't like them Darryl, I'll remove them.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Posted by
8:14 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Figures of Speech
Shawn and I took the stairs today. And I'm not kidding. We really did. And trust me, it's not joke. We also answered the age old riddle of "How to take the elevator and stairs at the same time". I must emphasize that we were carrying the stairs and riding the elevator.
It's one of the props used in our English play. I can't give spoilers, right Steph? Sorry. The play is this Saturday, Try and tape it down will ya?
Posted by
5:38 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Good morning Ichigo!!!
Hey there my avid readers! I school has finally been declared open! Whatever happened for the last two and a half years does not matter! It's what ahead that counts! And by the way, chemistry test is tomorrow! Good by- I mean, good luck!
It really did take a while for the school to be finally declared open. Seriously, to the not so average student in this school, it seems that it's been half our future in here gone already (for my year at least), and they finally declare the school open after so long. It seems so... long. (I seem to be gaining Mr Lee's abilities.)
Mr Lee: Long division is long.
Well said Mr Lee! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank him for his teaching skills, as well as my mom... sister... dad...
I would like to begin reviewing the school's opening ceremony performance. Out of a score of 100, it gets...
Sorry, folks. This is all you get. I know... I know.. all the hard work you put in right? Let me finish. Let me start even. Alright... Here's the truth. It was too ordinary. In fact, if it was still ordinary, it would have been fine. However, I can't help but feel that the whole standard for the performance dropped a notch as compared the previous speech day and student investiture, not the mention arts fest performances. In those events there was always something new... A play, a lucky draw with the third prize being a heavenly massage from our dear Mr Kevin Koh... Whatever happened to that?
The eight thousand dollar pyrotechnics did little but suffocate and blind the audience, not to mention I can't hear my mom anymore, although that my not be such a bad thing. Sure, they were new, but nothing special. In fact, the only reason the pet rocket launching went fine was because of a timely save by Gary, and in fact, from what Gan tells me, they actually joked about an excuse to use if the rope didn't burn and Gary was able to recall that excuse and use it in time. Really! On national tv? A bit humiliating, ne?
And about the performances themselves... This could take a while. For the performances themselves and alone, I give them a score of...
I'm being nice here. Really. The dances and orchestras saved the whole thing. But barely enough to make it acceptable, when compared with the performances at previous events. Here's the cut:
The acting was corny.
The whole script was shaky.
It failed to capture attention
And where did Boombox come into the whole matter? That actually made me scream out Sh*t. I apologise for that... Were they runnning out of performances? Why did the Boombox guy suddenly come in? It looked like filler to me.
I must commend the dancers and orchestras... They saved everyone. They always do. But the choir was rather shaky, but not as bad as the acting, in that it lacked voice projection. I could barely hear most of the guys, and I was sitting at the third row from the front. So it's a possibility that the minsters were wondering when the next performance was going to start. AND they were singing the same song. So they get an acceptable score.
But if the dancing and music were fine, why the low score? The acting. But how can one performance pull down the score so much? Because it wasn't one performance. It was the glue which stuck the whole thing together. And since the acting kept popping up again and again, it's incredibly hard to forget the corny and unrealistic acting that comes in REGULAR intervals. Everytime, deep down inside, you commend an orchestra or so for a wonderful performance, there shows up the golden kernel goodness and it spoils everything.
I've said it, so there. Sue me. Wait, no! Don't sue me!
Oh, and allow me to reveal some information (inside information) on the school mascot. The task of designing the mascot was given to the Art Club, which I am a senior member of. It was like this:
We had to
1. Make an introductory video for the mascot
2. Design the mascot in the first place
and the medium we orignally used was claymation. It composes of frame by frame animation made by taking photos of clay figuirines while varying the position and poses of the figuirines only so slightly after every shot. Well, why they chose this troublesome medium, I can't understand. Probably for its uniqueness and home made feel or something, but anyway, onward.
The original storyboard I didn't quite adore at first, but compared to the video we actually showed at the ceremony, which was in FLASH, which has nothing to do with clay, for those noobs out there, the original storyboard is a blockbuster.
I'll get the video on the site soon... but it was supposed to be a sepia video of some little miscellanous clay penguins that we made all rolling up into one ball (it was kinda cute), then the mascot being moulded from that ball.
We were three quarters done through that bullcrap when we were told to change the video. First half of the video was scrapped by the administration, and then all of the claymation was scrapped and replaced with an under- one minute flash video.
Did I mention that Yu Han (he's a genius, both aesthetically and academically. And the aesthetic part, try not to think sick) and Elston (Chicken Little! owns all!) slaved their rears away in a hot stuffy room taking countless photos? And working overtime? And all my precious editing in Photoshop on a lousy Mac with erratic mouse sensitivity went to complete waste? And that Yu Han had to redo an entirely new video, with Flash only? Yeah. I think I just mentioned it.
And we never really got to design the mascot anyway cause the Student Council decided it all for us.
I'll try an upload the original videos for the mascot soon. Just got to get Art Club this Friday. Yeah.
Posted by
6:55 AM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Oh crap...
My computer's battery may have finally fried after all those years without a cooling pad. But enough about the battery! Onward!
Today in church the senior pastor said the two root evils are Pride and Unbelief. Pride is the over estimation of oneself while unbelief is the under estimation of God. So therefore, the proof is inevitable.
Evil all boils down to math.
And by the way, I got new shoes. I was the customer from hell for the poor saleslady. There's this ang moh kia in the Bata shop who wants a UK size 10, but we don't have that so we give him a UK size 9, but he wants a UK size 10 no matter what, so we suggest another shoe but he doesn't like any of them. Then he stares at the other shoes for about 5 minutes before choosing another pair, and asks for a size 10 then 11 then 12.
I finally got a size 11. Oh, and don't say I wasn't grateful. I called the ambulance.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
To Darryl:
It's okay to use my name on your blog as long as your don't tell them about that embarassing incident concerning fangirls and bamboo sticks.
Posted by
6:56 AM
Apparently, we had quite an interesting conversation with Mr Kevin Koh, our honourable former HOD of math and the current Assistant Principal. Introducing, the NUS high school take on... elevator physics!
(Note, this post is suitable only for male eyes. This is because it concerns drastically personal matters. Female eyes, turn away. Rest assured there are no sexist remarks here. We men are honorable. And so are you. So if you feel distasteful towards such things, turn away!)
So Mr Tan (Physics teacher) is going through that worksheet for elevator physics. Which I got full marks for. hoorah. But that's besides the point. The point is... which do you prefer? Descending or Ascending? At least, Darryl posed that question. He stated that descending is pure torture as oppoosed to being in an ascending elevator. The reason for this is rather personal, and if you cannot understand, we do not blame you.
Upward accelerating elevators tend to make you feel heavier because of the increased contact force, neh? But descending elevators are different. They make you feel lighter, or if the accleration of the elevator is exactly equal to gravity downwards, you feel weightless. But the effects, and funnily enough, personal preference differs from individual to individual.
Because being in an elevator accelerating downwards makes you feel impotent. Allow me to elaborate. A lot.
First your precious feels like it depressurizes. It is a horrible feeling, if you can feel anything at all after that. It makes sh*tting roses look like heaven, although i prefer not to. It almost feels as if your wonderfuls are about to implode, and for some reason, makes you feel very sterile, possible because of the numbing feeling.
We were severely pumped by this, you could say, and decided to bring it up to Mr Koh so that something could be done about it. He agreed with *snicker* us, and the look of agony was upon our faces. After all, doesn't your stomach hurt after laughing non stop for five minutes?
That is all.
Wait, no. About last year, the second semester (is that how we count dates now? Sheesh), I went on a plane. It had turbulence and took a slight nose dive.
Now that is all
That's left of my joy dragon.
Good night to all.
(Spoilers end here)
Posted by
6:23 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Allow me to elaborate on the previous post. Ya see, those faggot hamsters at NUS are pissing us all over. And you might be thinking: "Yeah sure. They always piss people off. Just cope with it." Well they SH*TTED on my FREAKING HAND. I was begging for cash, not fertilizer. I must admit the texture.. creamy
These hamsters are like hell spawn incarnated into little furry goodness. Except no matter how much they piss you off, the anger wears off soon because of the CUTENESS. And then they sh*t on your hand again.
(Slaps hand on forehead) I knew they would do that again!
Posted by
7:34 AM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
If you were looking for some free mp3 downloads, well guess what? There are none here! I really hope there's going to be some loser who clicked on this link from google and then looks at this blog. I should put a logo of the NPP here...
Yeah well, this is the first entry of my new blog. You're probably not going to find a crock load of stuff here worth downloading, but you sure can read! What's reading you say? Just read the instruction manual avaliable on...
I'm really trying not to make this blog lame. All other blogs have awesome layouts and stuff. And those funny cursors that make your computer look like it's on crack. I, however, require no such crack. See these words? Yeah.
Speaking of crack, there was music day. That was crack. The first performance was a combination of two bands. Mergers are happening everywhere nowadays. There was the other day where i read that Microtosh had merged with Sotendo! They make consoles now with the capabilites of computers! Games can now crash at every moment, and you can even create spreadsheets and documents by inputting using the gamepad. However, if you run out of MP before you can finish the document, you must go back to task manager to get more Mana Pots.
Angel: Welcome to Hellven!
Web brower: Thank you for signing up for RuneStory! More games are avaliable at!
Darren, Intan, Fangyi, Divya, some other guys in the back... some other guys in the front... some girl whose name I can't remember... They were pretty good. I never knew Divya could sing. Really. A few notes off pitch maybe, but pretty good. Finally, a reason for the Auditorium to be sound proof. I meant, for the people inside. Yeah. Not outside. That would be mean. But someone's gotta tell them the trut-
(Moments after exorcising Simon Cowell from my body.)
Ahem! Where was I? Oh yeah! Performances. Forgive me.
(insert awkward silence here)
I said forgive me!
Readers: Forgiven!
Wait.. i have readers?
The Chamber Music was kinda boring. The audi isn't a chamber! It's not even close to a chamber. Chambers have expensive chandeliers! Chambers have unnecessary niches in the walls and possibly candles on the walls. There must also be very flammable wallpaper. That's a must, if you want your chamber to look good for years. Really. Without it, your chamber's appeal won't last for long and neither will the insurance contract. Agreed?
The groups (spare me for not knowing the actual term...) were limited to five to say... seven people... And theyir positions were off center. I know this sounds harsh, but I'm sure even the honourable principals wouldn't mind having a few bass bows up close to have some good sound projection. And did anyone notice the speakers on the walls? Those were at the sides and I swear i heard something about "saving money for speakers..." backstage.
Beat Box was the real deal. You can't miss that stuff! It may not be real rap, but his ability (I can never remember names) to imitate drums, keyboards, and other disco stuff all at the same time puts T-Rex's ass to shame.
I have nothing much to say against the orchestra, chamber music and all that cr- crescendo. Yeah. I meant to say crescendo all this while! See? I stutter when I lie! And I-i-i-i-i-i'm not st-t-t-tuterring right?-?-?-?
But injustice was done to Movin. It was very anti-climax. Dr Wong would start (in her cheesy comic voice) to announce the next performance, and we have the entire school cohord cheering "Movin! Movin! We wanna Movin!" and other obscenities that could beat the NDP anyday (not much of a challenge nowadays. Where hath all the nationalism gone?). And then we see a violinist come out.
Audience (thought): Whoa! He has a violinist as accompaniment! Sweet sh-
(Bassists, drummers, trumpeters and other various -ers come out)
Audience (thought): Screw the violinist! A whole freaking orchestra! (Speech) Movin! Movin!
Dr Wong: The something something something group from something something playing something something mash potato.
Audience (thought): Mash potato with Movin?
Dr Wong: PLay already!
Audience (t): No?
Dr Wong: Start before I run out of things to say!
Audience: Movin?
Dr Wong: I have a brick-
(Anti climax band plays...)
Audience: -_-"... Introduction?
And so we keep our hopes up...
Pause here for a second... why do you think I'm writing this entry? Happy ending? When taxes become faxes! Wait... i think my fax machine is overflowing.
Movin was never given a mike... Sure, he's too imba to hold a mike. It would probably scream, die, and shiver a bit. Then it would lie still and all who look upon his face would say: "He has some veg stuck in his teeth." And they would marvel.
Movin was given a special mention, but a special mention isn't worth two "Phwoas!" without a mike. You see, what I would liked to have seen was Movin dance AND sing. The Drama club has that pink furry neck thing right? Bingo.
Movin has much talent, and I sense no fear in him. Why was he not given the chance to showcase his glass shattering awesome in front of the school? It's not like the school doesn't have enough mik- put that mike down... Hold on a second...
Sorry! Where was I! Oh yeah, Movin. Wait I forgot to do the ritual before I said his name. Because he's that awesome. We want encore and we want it soon.
Oh yeah. And Random Pic.
Posted by
6:09 AM