I just had to do it. Sorry guys. Anyway, the pun is for the following reason:
My shower is decapitated. Again. I would show you a photo of it but just as I went to get a picture, my dad fixed the shower. And I'm not going to break it again just to- hey! That's an idea!
Anywho, the shower became a tube with a smaller tube sticking out of it, and my dad bent the end of the smaller tube back into the larger tube. So it's like this:
That's it. Everytime I shower with that I get suicidal thoughts.
Me: My shower is broken! I'm going to kill myself! Hey, that's convenient.
I went out to get those OBS T-shirts my sis (bigger, both in age and mas- nevermind) was bugging me for. It turns out the souvenier shop person (whose name I shall not mention) postponed the meeting by thirty minutes on the day itself. She kept asking me if it was okay and I said, "Yeah, it's fine". When I hung up I said "Phew".
Actually, when I got there, it was thirty minutes early. So I hung around City Hall. Halfway, some girl who was around eighteen to twenty (I've never been good at telling ages.) and asked me if I could help her. So I said, "It depends." And then suddenly, phwoom! This dude in an office shirt almost drags her away into this other group of teenagers, and I say "Phew!" I really have no freakin idea what that was all about, but at least I managed to plant the- nevermind.
Oh yeah. Awesome barbecue party tomorrow. I wonder why Damien asked me to bring suntan lotion...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hit him
Everyone please hit the Storm Wolf bozo in the tagboard. Oh, and the memorial service is on Friday.
Anyway, on to more depressing matters. Shudder is turning emo, and we sure as Playstaion 3 don't want that to happen! Go to his blog, and give him a hug in the tagboard!
Posted by
7:33 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
I finally found out who this Storm Wolf bozo is... so...
Jun Yup you prick!
Posted by
1:59 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007
A new Hobo
As promised, today I took to wandering the streets for six continuous hours. First it was a non stop journey to City Hall. I get there, and the next thing I do is... wander what to do next!
It's funny how many tourists I saw there today. I just felt the urge to ruin Singapore's "Good international image". Thank god, the nice man in the blue uniform stopped me in time, and even gave me food and lodging. How nice. He was so hospitable he insisted I stay, no matter how many times I tried to leave. God bless his soul.
After that, I loitered around the lobby of the City Hall National Library. There was this Republic Polytechnic thing going on. Students study in the morning and work in the afternoon to the evening. They were stalling when I got there. I mean, manning their own stalls, selling stuff like T-shirts, beads, and CHEAP COMPUTER GAMES. I honestly had to grab one side of my body to avoid that stall, then I heard someone yelling and pointing at me and screaming " Don't let him bite his tongue!!!"
Then later I go to Bras Basah to get a bible cover for my uncle, but there's nothing but yellow and purple stripes on their selection, so I decide to get something more suitable for adults and make my way to Toys'R'Arse. (just kidding. Get it? Toys'R'US? Kid-ding? Nevermind.)
After that, for absolutely no reason, I make my way back to Buona Vista and visit the old school campus!!! Whoa. I really had nothing to do at the time, so I thought I might as well fulfill my last wi- er, kill some time.
It was a nostalgic trek down the same old route me and the other guys like Gan, Leroy, Box(tm) and LC used to take to the MRT station. The construction guys are still slaving away on the new Circle Line, the muddy canal next to the station is still a convenient thirst quencher (and restroom), and the place is still as "Ghin Moh-ish" as it used to.
The Macs in between the campus and the station is gone though, much to my dismay.
On the way there, I literally have to evade the stream of Dunman High and New Town sec students coming my way. I told them there was enough for every- er, nevermind. Anyway, it was kinda weird walking back to ANOTHER school's campus, but who cares? When I got there, all I could do was just stare through that gate and look like a troubled youth. Then I just walk back up and take the bus back.
The school from the front pretty much looks the same, except our beautiful school logo is gone and replaced by some funky chinese characters. Feh. our chinese characters were better. I especially like Lee. Youth!!!
While waiting for the bus I hear this generic school girls yapping away about how "that teacher's face is freaking funny" and how "today uber slack lor". Ahh... nostalgia.
I get back to the station and visit the new school campus. AKA, hell. I want to go into the library to enjoy some air con but I am stopped by the school librarian (the one who was with us since year one, and caught us for playing games on the library coms) who said I had to wear my school uniform.
Me: so the library's open?
Librarian: Ya. But you have to be in your school uniform.
Me: Oh. Back home I guess.
Librarian: ???
I hang around and fool around on the fitness corner, and also get some "I thought today was going to be a good day" looks from Mr Vallace and Mr Lee (Math) when they see me.
Then I go back home. oh well.
Can't wait for tomorrow! (and the next continent!)
Posted by
3:56 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Reservations are now open!
Hi there people! I've been feeling kinda bored these days, so if any of you need a date, i'm open! If you're a girl, welcome! If you're a guy, go jump off a cliff. And if you're still alive after that, go sell your house and give the money to the poor, then jump again. Or you could sell the house first and then jump. Makes no difference to me.
Anyway, there seem to be some tiepoes in the previous poses. I better ficks damn.
I've been pretty much very bored these days and I need a place to go hang around and shake a leg or two. (Good thing I brought a spare!) I'm seriously looking forward to that BBQ party that Damien's holding next week, though I seriously wish he'd just let go of it. It'll be awesome. I've seen the pool area of his condo, and it's sweet! It's like a villa. So we'll be eating BBQ and enjoying the scenery. (It's at a pool! Hint hint!)
You better ask Damien if you want to come cause he hates unwelcome visitors a lot. *Flashback*
Damien: Target locked.
*End of Flashback*
More like end of life actually.
Posted by
10:23 AM
Alvin you prick
What have you got against suspense, Alvin? You just had to sever our ties. *hint hint*
Anyway, even though the tie for the poll has been broken, I'm still going to keep it there for the holidays or so. Or maybe for all eternity if I can keep procrastinating. I'll think of an excuse. Maybe later.
Meanwhile, I've been doing errands for my mom to get some cash and save up for that DS I've been eyeing. Really. These include photoshoping and household errands.
I'm being useful. How low can I stoop?
I'm also working on a coloured manga of my own. Some of the characters are inspired by real-life people I know.
And by the way, It's shonen. Sorry people.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Blogger lives once more! My posting page is now back to normal, and so is my hair. Now, it only bursts footballs. Just the way I like it.
The hair poll has come to a conclusion (finally). It is therefore obvious that the population which views this blog is divided upon whether it is weird or not. Speaking of which, my hair is returning to normal lately. It seems to have sunken down a bit.
And my mom wants to start blogging. Right now she's asking me how to start a blog, and I'm telling her that I'm busy blogging so ask me later.
Yesterday was FREAKIN boring. Stuck at home surfing for handphone games. the world wide web never got so boring before. I was so bored I broke down and web and web.
Posted by
11:48 PM
Monday, May 07, 2007
Yeah... here's the poll. I've decided to screw the whole comment vote thing because it's unproffessional. A stefanie says that do things must always be proffessional, so ergo.
Shudder please revote, or you will not be allow to vote in the next poll.
Here's the picture of the UF- er, hair.
Posted by
1:01 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
The Blogger posting screen has been screwing up real bad lately. Either the font and insert image buttons don't appear, or top is left and back is foward. I don't know what to do anymore, but at least my spelllllllling is stilil fnie.
Anyway, since I'm starting to look like an outright pretty boy, I went out for a hair cut after the Sunday church service. It's near my house, so my unc just drops me off there and sends my mom back home directly. Anyway, I walk into the salon and ask for a "short" in Chinese. Apparently, that was my first mistake.
The hairdressers were all women, so maybe their perception of "short" might not be what my perception of short is. I'm not trying to be sexist or anything (I don't even have to try sometimes, unforturnately), but you can't deny that when it comes to hair, a guy's "short" and a girl's "short" are completely different, as is a guy's definition of "a short amount of time on the Playstation 2".
So she starts by cutting the sides of my black stuff with a scissors. Now this is very unusual. No, not the scissors part. I know what a scissors is for. I'm not an amateur when it comes to cutlery. But usually, all the previous barbers I've been to (all male, I think) start by pulling out that ticklish (stop giggling) shaver of theirs (You really have to stop giggling now). They shave mostly the top first then move on to the side. She started off by cutting the sides first. So I got a bit worried and asked whether she knew I wanted a full trim. She said yes. I said okay and start staring at the mirror again. Then she suddenly stops cutting.
Anyway, she starts yanking parts of my hair up and outright snips them off. This may sound like a vasectomy but it's true. She grabs regions of my black stuff and snips them off, then grabs the next portion...
NOTE: When a barber asks how old you are or what level of education you're at, they're not trying to socialise. They're trying to find out how much they should charge. BEWARE.
SECOND NOTE: Saying you're in kindergarden is not a very good excuse. I'll have to get back to you later. I have to tend my wounds.
This method of barber... er... barbeque was very enlightening an experience for me. But it did produce a very different result:
Being the guy I am, I'm setting up a poll of whether you think the hairstyle is weird or not. Please state your reasons why of why you think the hair is weird besides "it's on Samuel". oh yeah, please put the votes as comments for this entry, cause I don't wanna do spring cleaning on the tagboard. Thanks.
Until my hair grows again... Later...
Posted by
6:18 AM
Friday, May 04, 2007
I went on a blog hopping tour just recently. about five minutes ago actually... Why can't poeple try their best to not make people look bad?
So everyone else has awesome flash animation, awesome layouts, awesome color schemes, and awesome candid shots? So what? I have a secret weapon...
Posted by
6:23 AM
Oh this is just *** great. Apparently I have been wasted a chance of watching Spiderman 3 for free because my dad was in a BAD mood. Tough luck, man.
I ask him this afternoon, he says if I have revised my sh*t today, and since it's my responsiblity to get the grades I want (or rather, what he wants), then go ahead and watch the movie. I swear I saw his eyes light up when I said "free".
I tell him I'll study Bio in the evening cause I have to get the notes first.
Then in the evening, he sees me listening to some music and tells me that he knows what's going on. Yeah right, you know what's going on. So.. what is the devil planning now? ANYWAY, he tells me that I had better stay at home tomorrow, and that I had better remove those earphones cause he can't see how I can study and listen to music at the same time. Apparently, he can't see a LOT of things.
So yeah. I guess he'd just have to pay for that DVD then.
PS: ****************. That is all.
Posted by
6:10 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Hey there guys. The layout is crappy Minima Black again cause I'm fixing something currently. I'm going to make a manga-style header ,so watch out.
Posted by
2:14 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Hey there guys. Apparently I overslept today and didn't attend remedial. But hey, the sleep is worth it, so shove it up.
I actually have time off now, so ladies... For the last few weeks, most of my otherwise free time would have been spent on a rehearsal. A drama rehearsal. It was this thing every class was asked to do. You may be surprised by the overwhelming response, but there is a reason behind everything. This is fully graded.
Well all that cash spent on Ikea props (because SOMEONE can't nail three pieces of wood together without calling upon Bahamut) and all those hours of gay rehearsal were worth it.
And you thought your rehearsals were abundant?
It seems that we all know each others' lines.
Many a spare period have we blurted out each other's lines for no reason.
"Son AH! How's prison life? Yah lah, freedom is good. I support the idea. But then ah, you go talk so much duty free shopping! I'll call you when I reach a bloody prison jell cell! As I have told you numerous times before, I think we all need to pay for her latte."
Adios for tonight.
Posted by
7:07 AM